Protect Your Company with Reliable Workers' Compensation Coverage

Risk management is a critical part of running any business. Keeping the heart of your company — your employees — safe on the job is a cornerstone of a healthy operation. Oftentimes, tracking, paying, and handling audits can be daunting on your own. That’s why hundreds of businesses like yours in Massachusetts and Florida turn to Resource Management, Inc. (RMI) for their workers’ compensation management.

We’ll handle this critical area so that you can run your business knowing your employees and company assets are protected. We have the network to deliver workers’ compensation insurance, administration, and management on a pay-as-you-go basis. RMI takes care of all claims administration, risk management, and more, making it simple for you to stay protected.

  • Workers’ compensation cost control programs
  • Enhanced cash flow with pay-as-you-go
  • No annual deposits or audits

Manage Workplace Safety and Compliance with RMI

RMI helps companies of all sizes and industries develop strong workplace safety policies and procedures to mitigate worksite risk while also remaining compliant with the latest federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. Our deep knowledge of all aspects of risk management guide us as we deploy workplace safety best practices.

  • Reduce risks through worksite safety programs
  • Professional claims management
  • OSHA compliance and reporting
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RMI offers access to multiple “A”-rated workers’ compensation carriers. That means we are able to provide the best policy to meet your company’s needs. With our pay-as-you-go program, premiums are based on your business’s actual processed payroll. This eliminates the weight of large deposits and annual audits. You also receive complete policy administration assistance and the guidance of our experienced Risk Management team.

Our Loss Control team works collaboratively with your business to promote a safety culture that helps prevent injuries and control expenses. We’ll assist you in evaluating safety risks and identifying cost-effective methods to reduce loss exposure through claims analysis, safety and compliance training, and continued education. To help with these efforts, we offer complimentary OSHA 10-hour training to educate your team.

RMI’s team of experienced claims adjustors is focused on providing injured claimants with a solid foundation of care and support. Our goal is to resolve claims quickly and effectively while helping to control your business costs.

Why not secure the safety of your employees and company now?

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